Saturday, September 15, 2012

Here is Honey Poo Poo

Dear Friends:

I don't normally take to the bloggisphere to complain. Generally, (not to be confused with the General Lee....which was simultaneously one of the most awesome, yet blatantly racist, TV relics of all time, but I digress) this space is reserved for silliness and general tomfoolery; however, there is something weighing heavily on me this evening. Something that I need to get off of my chest. That something, is my general disdain for the new TLC show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."


Is this seriously happening? Am I dreaming OR do we really live in a world where a seven year old who drinks a mixture of Red Bull and Mountain Dew (a drink supplied by her mother no less) is getting great ratings on TV?!? I am astonished, practically speechless, and befuddled.....(YES, even befuddled).

How is it that this kind of nonsense made it on the airwaves?  The proposal for this show should have ended with the network executives using it for toilet paper and/or to light their expensive Cuban cigars.

Meanwhile, back at my secret hideout, I can't even snag the attention of an agent willing to work with me? Not that my work is perfect, but I feel as though my story about the lifelong relationship between a girl and her grandmother, beats the crap out of this disgusting piece of trash.

The popularity of this show shouldn't come as a complete surprise, I suppose. After all, we are the same people who have watched Dr. Phil, an overweight divorcee, provide relationship and dietary advice....right? We are also the same people who made Jerry Springer a star. (Jerry Springer once tried to pay a prostitute with a bad check)

I wonder, at times, whether it is even worth my time and energy to follow my dream and try to be a writer. I wonder whether I should share my work with a world who would prefer to watch a seven year old, and her pregnant teenaged sister, play a game where they attempt to guess who is standing in front of them, by smelling one another's breath.

Sooner or later Honey Boo Boo's heart will explode from all of the sugar, caffeine, and cholesterol she is consuming and that will be the tragic end to this gem. Until then, we will continue to rubberneck at this train wreck of a show, all the while fantasizing that our pathetic lives are not nearly as messed up as hers.

While I will argue until my last breath the need for freedom of speech, and support this shows right to be on television, I have to wonder if we are not allowing, or even championing, the "Wal-Marting of America." Watch if you will, but remember that your brain cells could be used for much greater purposes.

Honestly, I can't believe I just threw away a good hour or so of my time writing about this garbage. I am now ashamed of myself : (

That is all........Carry on!!

Peace on you,

ffeJ SdrawkcaB

p.s. If you would like to learn about something/someone truly worth knowing about, check out this young woman's story.  Lydia's Story Not only was she kicked, beaten, raped, sprayed with bleach, then set on fire by a man who had killed before....NOT ONLY did she jump naked from a second story apartment, run to an ambulance, have a stroke....and TO THIS DAY still is relearning how to speak, BUT she stood face to face with her attacker in court and proceeded to forgive him, because, in her words, she chooses love and peace over fear!! I am not ashamed to admit this brought a tear to my eye when I first saw it. Bravo Lydia!!

Watch Lydia speak here: Live Your Days Inspired Anew (Lydia)
RIP Kenia Monge

Copyright J.C. Gardiner 8/22/2012
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