You would suspect that a one syllable letter would be more useful in the English language. Think again my friend!!
For your viewing pleasures, I have compiled a list of reasons why I hate Q.
- 99.9% of words that include the letter Q also reQuire a letter U. Q can't just go it alone. In my repertoire, one of the few Q words that does not include a U is "Qi." To be fair, I only know the word Qi because it works in Words with Friends.
- Capital Q looks like an unfinished gender symbol. I think Prince once considered changing his name to Q, but thought better of it.
- And what about cursive capital Q?!?!. It looks like the number two. What are you, damn Q, a number or a letter?!? (See Image)
- Even little Q is just a little G wanna be.
- Q is responsible for the pop Quiz.
- My last speeding ticket was thanks, in part, to the police Quota.
- Plain and simply, Q is a QUITTER!!!!
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Cursive Q or Number 2 ?!? |
I suppose it's not all bad. There are a few things, throughout history, that Q has done to earn a place in the alphabet. Q is royalty.....and in more ways than one.
- In literal terms, Q is the Queen, ruling all the land.
- Q is also Rock 'n' Roll royalty: The Sex Pistols offered "God Save the Queen" and the band "Queen" not only brought you classics, such as; "Fat Bottom Girls" and "We Will Rock You," but also made it OK for hairy chested men to wear a unitard on stage.
- Thanks to the word Quotation, Q has it's own "hand signal." Often "air Quotes" are used by the Quick-witted and Quirky blog author....and even made an "appearance" in an episode of "Friends."
- Quoth the Raven Nevermore.
- U opens Umbrellas in the hoUse.
- U will try to hook Up with yoUr girlfriend of foUr years.
- U knows how mUch wood a wood chUck woUld chUck if a wood chUck coUld chUck wood.
- U pUkes all over yoUr new PUmas after an UnsUccessfUl attempt to defeat the 72 oUncer.
- U borrows your trUck to move a coUch and brings it back with no fUel, reaking of bUrrito farts.
- U gets drUnk and spends time in the coUnty lock Up after being haUled in for pUblic Urination.
- U Uses the last of the Charmin Ultra toilet paper (with aloe) and leaves the empty tUbe.
- U doesn't flUsh.
- U passed oUt in yoUr bath tUb wearing yoUr Incredible HUlk Underpants as a shower cap.
- U wakes Up, sratches his bUtt, bUrps, brUshes his mUllet, then eats all of the LUcky Charms.....they're magically delicioUs.
- U doesn't give a flying FU&#!!!!
- U knocked Up yoUr yoUnger sister, then makes yoU an Usher at their shotgUn wedding.
- U now carves the Thanksgiving tUrkey at yoUr parents hoUse.
- When yoUr mother tUrns her back, U gives you a pUrple nUrple then pokes yoU in the gUt like the PillsbUry DoUghboy.
- YoU are the one who gets in troUble after letting loose a string of cUss words that woUld make Larry Flint blUsh.
- Later, U gradUates SUma CUm LaUde from NYU and cUrrently is the Director of SUper Bowl PUblicity for BUdweiser. U drives a JagUar.
- U didn't even offer yoU tickets to the game.
- U is Unapologetic,
- Despite it all, yoUr mother still woUld like yoU to be more like U.
NOTE: This is the kind of crap I wake up thinking about after my four year old nephew makes me watch Leap Frog Alphabet DVDs.
Copyright J.C. Gardiner 8/22/2012
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I thoUght this was very clever! Other "q" words not needing "u" - qaid, qanat, qat, qintar, qindar, faqir, etc... too many to bore yoU with. Even my son and daughter got to participate in a q and u wedding in preschool. My qUestion: if q and u procreate, what woUld their offspring look like. Who's the man and who's the woman of this strange Union I ask yoU!