Sunday, February 22, 2015

If the Mayans had been right

Here at Backwards Jeff (BJ), we (I) try to be timely with our (my) news coverage. Many (none) of you have been asking me to weigh in on the hype surrounding the December 2012 Mayan Apocalypse.

Backwards Jeff is a blog of the people, by the people, and for the people; therefore, I consider it my civic duty to share my thoughts and feelings regarding this pressing matter. It has been just over two years since the world was supposed to end, so I figure I am right on schedule.

I do take a "Switzerland" stance in this case, though, and wish to remain neutral. In the interest of providing a fair and balanced voice, I considered it to be wise to present all sides of the issue. Below I outlined some of the positives and negatives to a Mayan Apocalypse. Please feel free to share your own.

POSITIVES (if the world had ended)
  • Say goodbye to MySpace (wait...that already happened without an apocalypse)
  • Shorter lines for the bread and milk
  • Joe Flacco's contract would be null and void
  • There would be no more episodes of The Walking Dead/The Bachelor/Dancing with the Stars/Housewives of....whatever, etc. etc. etc.
  • Honey Boo Boo would have ended about two years before it really ended
  • FaceBook weather updates would cease to exist
  • People complaining about FaceBook weather updates would cease to exist
  • All of the Doomsday Preppers could finally say "told you so" like they've always wanted --- assuming their methods worked and they did not turn to sand 
  •  Ebola wouldn't have been such a big news story because everyone would be dead
  • The term "Polar Vortex" would never have made it into the American vernacular
  • Kanye West would have only interrupted ONE awards show by acting like he owns the world
  • For "true" fans of the series, instead of being a TV show, The Walking Dead would be a REALITY!!!!
  • Snap Chat with duck lips (really duck lips and snap chatting all together)....GONE!
  • #HashTagsAreDead
  • Debates over the following things cease to exist:
    • White or Wheat
    • Crushed or cubed
    • NASCAR being a "sport"
    • Wrestling being real
    • "Beauty" Pageants 
    • Baywatch: A valid form of entertainment???
    • Photo retouching
    • Politics
    • The death penalty 
    • Andy Dalton
    • Music 
    • School uniforms
    • Legalized pot
    • 50 Shades of Grey (Still NOT a fan)
    • Bud Light vs. Miller Lite
    • The best way to spell Light/Lite
    • Coke vs. Pepsi
    • Skyline vs. Goldstar
    • The level of BJ's awesomeness (it rages on)
  • People would finally believe that I am NOT going to answer my phone and they should text or email  or FB me
  • I would not have gotten dumped on by a snow plow driver last night (snow plow drivers are now BJ enemy #1)

NEGATIVES (world = not ended)
  • More opportunities for snow plow drivers to make my life a living hell
  • This just means more predictions for the end of time and/or media panic. Remember Y2K, Nostradamus, swine flu, avian flu, West Nile Virus, snowmaggedon, and the like?
  • Wal-Mart is still in business
  • Terms such as "hella" "ridic" and "selfie" are still a thing
  • People still call Backwards Jeff despite insistance that he will usually not answer his phone
  • Dudes with ridiculously long beards and flannels still walk the streets (I'm really just jealous since I can't pull off this look without being mistaken for a grunge garden gnome {3G})
  • #HashTagsNotDead
  • The phrase "there's an app for that" is ongoing
  • Wal-Mart is still in business (intentionally on here twice to emphasize my dislike)
  •  The Kardashians would, like, have survived either way because they are the, like, cockroaches of the human race....this is a lose lose
  • While on the subject, the Kardashian family is not only making more TV programs, now they are starting to reproduce
  • There is still a chance that Robots, or even Flobots, will take over the world

NEUTRAL (you know.....since nothing happened)
  • Backwards Jeff can still refer to himself in the third person
  • What is this Mayan Apocalypse you speak of? 
  • Taylor Swift has a blank space to write my name (neutral because, while she is not terrible to look at, she is apparently also not the ideal mate AND an enemy of Kanye)
  • There is still banana nut bread for BJ to eat (which is awesome, right?)
  • More time to grow a handle bar mustache
  • It remains possible to Youtube No Handlebars by Flobots
  • Flintstone vitamins continue to be available for retail purchase
  • #HashTagsAreNeutral
  • Backwards Jeff is STILL available for you to read at work when you really should be working (unless you think I suck, in which case, this could be moved to the Negative category)
In summation: Mayans wrong, world not ended, FB weather updates are annoying (as are those who complain about them), Kardashians continue to make crappy TV, Honey Boo Boo NOT making TV any longer, and media sensationalism LIVES ON!!!

Backwards Jeff summation: BJ likes banana nut bread and Flintstone vitamins, HATES snow plow drivers, Wal-Mart & the Kardashians, CAN NOT grow a long beard, CAN ride a bike with no handlebars, won't answer the phone, is smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy, and Taylor Swift wants him.
Until next time, check out this #HellaRidicSelfie:


Copyright J.C. Gardiner 2/22/2015 (originally started on 03/06/2013)
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Twitter - @BackwardsJeff
Twitter #2 - DearCrabby (aka @JeffroGardiner)  

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