Thursday, April 11, 2013

Downtown Cincinnati Nicknames

As a life long resident of the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati region, I am pleased to see that Downtown Cincinnati is finally shaping up (it's about time you caught up with NKY....only took a decade or so). The Banks, Horseshoe Casino, parks, restaurants, Great American Ball Park, Paul Brown Stadium,etc, are all very nice and well thought out, BUT the area could use a snazzy/trendy new nickname so that all the hipsters will come spend their hard earned money on craft beers and plastic mustaches on a stick.

BackwardsJeff Regional National Global, LLC (herein referred to as BackwardsJeff) also has maintained a strong presence in the region since it's inception in January of 2012. As a public service, BackwardsJeff has dedicated this post (and roughly 20-30 minutes of SOLID research) to the renaming/nicknaming of Downtown Cincinnati.  We (as if there is really more than one person) also included some thoughts/ideas that may enhance the area and/or some of the businesses.

In the interest of full disclosure, the staff at BackwardsJeff is somewhat bitter about living in the so-called "Greater Cincinnati" region. In my biased opinion, I feel that Northern Kentucky did more, and sooner, to build up the banks of the Ohio River, so perhaps the most fitting name for Downtown Cincinnati would be Northern Northern Kentucky!! I mean, why not? The "Cincinnati Airport" is located in Boone County Kentucky anyway. This only makes sense.

As always, feel free to contact me or share your own thoughts, as BackwardsJeff always encourages creative thinking. And, in typical BackwardsJeff style, you will find plenty of SWEET links, cleverly disguised throughout this post.

  • Since it is in the Southern, or "Lower" part of the city, I propose  the "LowDown."
  • It used to be that Cincinnati was a ghost town after 5:30 p.m., Eastern time, and everyone was in bed after Jeopardy in "NightGownTown.
  • This is a far cry from Cincinnatis heyday as a hot spot for the sport of Boxing with legends such as Ezzard Charles making his home here. Perhaps this could be remembered by calling the area the "ThrowDown."
  • If we continue to attract  Aussie's, then an appropriate nickname would be the "DownUnder."
  • As more "workers" for the "oldest profession" begin to populate the area, how about the "HoDown"?
    • With "Toby Keith's - I love the bar and grill" being in town, "HoeDown" could even have multiple meanings (the HoeDown link is to a CLASSIC Bugs Bunny ''s a personal favorite...check it out)
  • Speaking of the explosion of restaurants in the region, perhaps an appropriate nickname could be the "ChowDown"
  • Most of the restaurants are also bars, so why not the "Drink_'er_Down?" (credit to my wife, BackwardsDawn, for that one)
  • To truly bring the Hipster crowd into the fold, though, we'll need a bunch of thrift shops where they can purchase clothing in "Hand-Me-Downtown."
  • If you prefer that your wife, or significant other, is not made aware of your adventures in Cincinnati, then maybe it should be called the "DownLow (DL)." 
  • Likewise, you will NOT want to bring your soon to be ex-girlfriend to this area because Breaking Up is Hard to Do, in the "Down_Dooby_Doo_Down_Town."
  • The smelly part of the city would need to be referred to as "DownWind." 
    • DownWind would likely be located to the east of all the Cincinnati Chili establishments.
  • By not passing a law to allow casino gambling, the Commonwealth of Kentucky is really missing out on the opportunity to build a mirror image -including a Horseshoe Casino - of Cincinnati across the river, calling it "DoubleDown." 
    • Or even a mirror image turned on it's head called "Upside-DownTown." (BJ Note: this is one of my personal favorites and so it gets a picture. It's my blog, and you aren't the boss of me, so I'll do what I want!!!)
Upside-DownTown....coming soon to Newport, KY (except, not really)
THE RHYMING NICKNAMES  ( you didn't know this was coming) 
  • It is certainly not the intention of this writer to DownPlay the importance any of the existing nicknames play in the city's image. That being said, some of the previously thought up names are sad and DownRight silly. For example, Cincinnati already likes to call itself the "Queen City" so the easiest rhyming nickname for this little slice of the Royal Kingdom would be "CrownTown." 
  • Sure there is "The 'Nati" sometimes also known as the "Nasty 'Nati;" however, if we go back to this, BackwardsJeff will be living in "FrownTown." :(
  • I've also never understood why Cincinnati is so proud of this "Porkopolis" thing that sometimes is associated with the city, but if they really want to keep with this theme, then how about "SOWnTown?"
  • Taking a tip from Cleveland, if the current owner of the Bengals ever left we'd say; "If_it's_Brown,_Flush_it_Down." I realize this isn't really a nickname for an urban area, but this is MY back off :P
  • For BackwardsJeff, though, a more fitting name - based on the politics involved and the length of time the city and county took to get this right - might be "AssClownTown."
  • If the owners of the Horseshoe Casino REALLY want to fit into the area, they should encourage dealers to bounce from side to side as they "mix" their cards and call it the Ickey Shuffle!!
  • Welcome to the Jungle Boogie at all Bengals games with their new theme song in the "GetDownGetDown." Credit again to BackwardsDawn for the inspiration on this one.
  • There would need to be a Fondue district. Of course this area would be called "MeltDown."
  • For festivals and other events, the Port-A-Potty area NEEDS to be called "DownLoad."
  • If nothing else, there really should be a Chris Farley themed hotel where all the beds are shaped like a cargo van, so that you can tell friends and family that you are living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (How has nobody thought of this yet?)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful if you go to the LowDown to ChowDown and Drink_'er_Down before partaking in the HoDown. You may end up in a ThrowDown. Which will require your activities to remain on the DownLow (DL). You and your soon to be ex might also find yourself visiting the Down_Dooby_Doo_Down_Down, where you ultimately end up LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!

TA DA!!!! I hope you all enjoy this crap....

Copyright J.C. Gardiner 03/06/2013
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