I turned off my television. Once this is written, I plan to walk away from the computer for a while too.
Starting today, I am challenging myself to spend less time "connected to the world" and more time connecting with life.
I found that I spend an exorbitant amount of time on my phone, computer, and in front of the television. At the same time, I have NOT spent nearly enough time with my wife, step-daughter, parents, siblings, and in nature. I think it's a sickness really. An addiction like any other. I feel that the only way to improve is with small steps that lead to bigger changes.
I challenge everyone to reconnect to your life. This is not an attempt to claim "holier than thou" status. I will not judge you if you don't or can't. Just a simple request to change the way we live together...one small improvement at a time.
I realize this means you may not read my blog as often. I am OK with that if it means a better life for you and those around you. I'm not suggesting that we become hermits and poop in holes we dug with a hand shovel. I'm just saying that maybe it would do us all some good if we take a few moments a day to not be reachable and to enjoy things that we (myself included) overlook or take for granted.
Did the events in Boston precipitate this post? Maybe. Who is to say for sure? I've known I had this problem for a long time, but refused to pay attention. Perhaps it's too late....I certainly hope not!
Here are the changes I hope to implement:
1. Turn off the television for at least an hour a day.
2. Step away from the computer for the same hour.
3. Refuse to check my phone during that time frame.
4. Talk to my wife about her day.
5. Sit outside/Get out in nature.
6. Take a walk....maybe a short hike even.
7. Occupy myself with chores....the house is always in need of a cleaning of some kind.
8. Pet my dogs.
9. Write more (Often I write my first drafts the old fashioned way...in a notebook with ink and paper)
11. Pray (Again....I'm not here to judge or preach. This is MY 12 steps. I won't push my beliefs on you if you promise to do the same for me.)
12. Talk to my family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers more often...IN PERSON. (I'm not the most social person, so this one will be a challenge, but it's time to man up and make a change.)
That is my 12 step plan of action. Feel free to use it...or modify it and make it your own.
Or, even delete this if you want....for that matter delete ME as a friend if that is what it takes. No
matter what you decide, I hope this makes you think and consider change.
And so it begins. Thank you for listening.
See you in about an hour....maybe!
J. C. Gardiner 4/21/13
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Twitter - @BackwardsJeff
Twitter #2 - DearCrabby (aka @JeffroGardiner)
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