It's always
lovely to receive your feedback, story ideas and death threats. Many -
and by many I mean three or four - have shared your wonderful thoughts
with me through email and social networks. I thank you for the kind words.
time to time, I am asked to take an idea and put my own spin on it. You
may recall from way back (yesterday) that I posted my thoughts on
certain niche market versions of the 50 Shades book series. In a recent
private message my brother, Backwards Rob (a good gob) proposed a unique
article idea that fit right into what I am trying to accomplish with
this blog: Words With Friends Spin-Offs.
popularity of online game apps is fairly well chronicled. Even I, much
to my chagrin, have been known to indulge in the time and energy zapping
world created by the likes of Zynga.
Well, the people (Backwards Rob) have spoken and we (meaning me) here at Backwards Jeff listened. For
your reading pleasures, I have compiled a list of, what I believe to
be, worth while spin-offs of the wildly popular game, Words With
Friends. Explanation first, followed by proposed spin-off in bold, yada yada on home-piece!!
- Your name is Alfred Mosher Butts, it's 1938, you invent a board game - Scrabble
- For your father-in-law, who has everything, and claims to be a better fisherman than he really is - Worms with Friends
- About 10 pounds - Words with Hen Weighs
- Only to be played in a hyperbaric chamber after rising to the surface to fast - Words with the Bends
- If you or someone you know should be institutionalized.....for your own protection - Wards with Friends. IMPORTANT NOTE: This should NEVER be confused with the game you play with your friend who looks a lot like Hugh Beaumont AKA Ward Cleaver with Friends
- Because you miss your dermatologist - Warts with Friends
- To be played sitting on a tuffet....with or without spiders - Curds (and whey) with Friends
- For fans of Jackass - Injured with Friends
- Addicted to Twitter and/or fashion fads? - Words with Trends
- Played on occasion when "the mood" strikes without any strings attached - Words with Friends with Benefits
- Words with Friends with Benefits often turns into Awkward with Friends once one player realizes they have feelings for the other
- EN GARDE!!!! - Swords with Friends
- Fairly self explanatory - Words without Friends (more commonly called "Nerds with Friends"....I play this one often)
- Once your garage is full, floor to ceiling with old newspapers, and other garbage, you refuse to throw away, you move on to - Hoards with Friends
- Hoards with Friends should not be mistaken for Hordes with Friends, which is normally played with torches and pitch forks as you attempt to find and kill the Tar Monster
- Come on BJ, the Tar Monster doesn't really exist, that's just - Absurd with Friends
- Only four letter words can be played - Dirty Words with Friends
- Dirty Words with Friends is sometimes known in the "Bible Belt" as Words that Offend depending on the level of "Holier than Thou" each player possesses
- In some regions may be referred to as "the phone game" - Overheard with Friends
- A DOUBLE waste of time - Angry Birds with Friends
- Generally associated with my Uncle Ron's wardrobe in the 1970's - Words with Suspenders
- A shout out to my friends and family working at the Sanitation District (SD1) - Turds with Friends
- Play Like a Champion Today - Words in South Bend
- Because you just can't get enough of my awesomeness - Backwards (Jeff) with Friends
- Yo VIP!! Let's kick it!! - Words to your Mother with Friends
- This one is simply Weird with Friends, but I kept it anyway. When you can't fight the urge to dance to crappy songs - I got the moves like Jaggered with Friends
- Yeah, BJ, that WAS indeed an odd one - I Concur with Friends
- Is this post over yet? - Bored with Friends
- REALLY, DUDE?!? - Perturbed with Friends
- Make it all the way to the bottom and earn double bonus points - Rewards with Friends
- Mock - YEAH - ing YEAH -Bird - YEAH with Friends
- WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!?! - Cowards with Friends
- I'm not sure, dude, but it sounded like the Tar Monster....why don't you go check it out? - Worries with Friends
- ZOINKS!!! I'm not going alone.....why don't we all go? We can split up into teams - Works with Friends
- We're all going to be just fine - Reassured with Friends
- “Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.” - Self-Worth With Friends
- Hey, you dang Wood Chucks....quit chucking my wood!!! - How Much Wood Would a Wood Chuck Chuck if a Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood with Friends
- Use it to flavor your meat (impossible to pronounce....harder to spell) - Worcestershire with Friends
- Slurred with Friends (because you were liquored up with friends) which resulted in a field sobriety test Administered with Friends. Which made your Saturday night much Worse with Friends
- Mrs. Roper really knows that Jack isn't gay even though that was a condition of him moving in with Janet & Chrissy - Landlords with Friends
- Meanwhile, down at the old folks home - Shuffleboard with Friends
- Oh that's odd. I thought that would be big news. There seems to be an absence of a certain ornithological piece. A headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety. Oh have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard. - WELL UH......BIRD DIRD BIRD....BIRD IS THE WORD with Friends
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SURPRISE! Thank you for reading! |
Copyright J.C. Gardiner 11/14/2012
FB -
Twitter - @BackwardsJeff
Twitter #2 - DearCrabby (aka @JeffroGardiner)