Tuesday, November 13, 2012

50 Shades of........

I'm not one who would normally try to capitalize on the popularity of the latest trends. So when my friend, Ryan G., approached me about a "Backwards Jeff (BJ)" take on the 50 Shades craze, quite frankly, I was offended. I mean, really, me, Backwards Jeff, piggy backing off of the success of the most recent fad? The notion is outlandish.......preposterous even!!

And if you believe any of that first paragraph, you are a bigger fool than I would have been to pass up on the idea. I immediately took note and have been working on it, in the back of my brain, ever since.

The broad popularity of the 50 Shades series is understandable, but I sense that something is missing. I feel that, although the original work appeals to a large, diverse part of the population, there is more money to be made by creating sub categories that may strike a chord with certain niche markets.

If you are new to the site, typically, what I will do is have a brief, silly explanation of the BJ version -usually broken down into categories- followed by the new title, in bold (for emphasis). The list is a bit lengthy, so in order to not waste too much of your time, I will get right into it. To get you in the mood to read this, I suggest a little 50 Shades of Foreplay.

  • If you are looking to get away for cheap, may I suggest - 50 Shades of Greyhound 
  • Or to get away without all of the creepy people sitting too close to you, hop on into - 50 Shades of Chevrolet
  • For all of the Packers Fans (like my friend Maggie) - 50 Shades of Green Bay  (Note: these same fans may also like 50 Shades of Clay (Matthews) )
  • The ever increasing population of our friends in India might enjoy - 50 Shades of Bombay
  • In Japan, those who like cartoons with exaggerated facial features can can speed race into -             50 Shades of Anime
  • Cincinnati sports fans can appreciate - 50 Shades of WHO DEY!!!!
  • Cincinnati style chili eaters could really sink their teeth into - 50 Shades of Three-Way
  • Supporters of the South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs would certainly buy -             50 Shades of Bobby Boucher
  • For that guy in your family who can't seem to locate certain cities in California - 50 Shades of Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
  • When you're stuck at the airport for HOURS - 50 Shades of Mechanical Delay
  •  Butter substitute enthusiasts from the 1970's will find joy in - 50 Shades of PARKAY
  •  For those who lost a bunch of weight eating foot long sandwiches with pre-sliced meat - 50 Shades of Subway (eat fresh)
  • Little Miss Muffet is the only one who may read - 50 Shades of Curds and Whey
  • Part of your well balanced breakfast - 50 Shades of Special K (served with 50 Shades of OJ)
  • If you can't eat meat during lent - 50 Shades of Gimme Back that FILLET (o-fish)
  •  You go now!! You been here four hours!! - 50 Shades of Chinese Buffet
  • The main character travels around the country in an 18 wheeler with his best friend "Bear" - 50 Shades of BJ McKay
  • If you or someone you know is named; Cartman, Stan, Kyle or Kenny - 50 Shades of Drugs are Bad MmmKay
  • What you talkin' 'bout Willis? - 50 Shades of Gary (Coleman) 
  • Fan of Eddie Murphy SNL characters? Try - 50 Shades of O'TAY!!
  • Dirty Harry just wants a cup of coffee - 50 Shades of Go Ahead....Make My Day!
  • Combination of book and popular TV show (you may never see your wife again) - 50 Shades of Grey's Anatomy
  • Fat Albert is popular with the ladies - 50 Shades of Hey! Hey! Hey!

  • For the gangsta rapper in you - Fiddy Shades of Grey
  • And it's something quite peculiar. Something shimmering and white. - 50 Shades of Under the Milky Way Tonight (that one's for Dawn)
  • Business up front....party in the back - 50 Shades of Billy Ray
  • House Party - Dance off - 50 Shades of Kid 'N Play
  • This post is a bunch of "Dookie" (WARNING: Links to uncensored full album on youtube) - 50 Shades of Green day
  • Those who got in late on the MC Hammer phase with lesser known tunes- 50 Shades of We Got to Pray Just to Make it Today
  • If you are a Beastie Boys fan, like BJ, you will LOVE - 50 Shades of Back in the Day. There was this Girl Around the Way. She Liked My Home-Piece MCA (Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum)
  • It's the kind you find in a second hand store - 50 Shades of Raspberry Beret
  • Jungle Love....I think I wanna know ya! - 50 Shades of Morris Day

  • Arts and Crafts hour - 50 Shades of Crochet
  • That is the worst comb over I have ever seen - 50 Shades of Toupee
  • What is that Smell? - 50 Shades of Ben Gay
  • No I think it's more of a feminine scent - 50 Shades of Olay?

  • This post is almost over - 50 Shades of YAY! (aka 50 Shades of Hooray!)
  • If you are generally working up a sweat parking other people's cars - 50 Shades of Valet
  • Freaky looking clowns doing gymnastics - 50 Shades of Cirque du Soleil
  • About 10 pounds - 50 Shades of What's a Hen Weigh? 
  • For a nice gentle spray of water to cleanse your bottom - 50 Shades of Bidet
  • A statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted -50 Shades of Hearsay
  • Can't get enough of my awesome blog posts? - 50 Shades of BJ
  • You are a frustrated Jewish reader, you say? - 50 Shades of Oy Vey!! (a favorite phrase for BJ)
  • For the Spanish speaker with many unanswered questions - 50 Shades of Por Que?
  • If you think the world ended 12 years ago because of a computer glitch - 50 Shades of Y2K
  • This post has soooooooooooo been done before BJ - 50 Shades of Cliché
  • My response to your previous statement - 50 Shades of Touché 
  • Seriously....I am done - 50 Shades of Calling it a Day 


 I had a feeling you wouldn't get the hint that I wanted you to leave - 50 Shades of Overstay

Copyright J.C. Gardiner 11/13/2012
FB -  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Backwards-Jeff/122548301200263
Twitter - @BackwardsJeff


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